Thursday, April 22, 2010

17 Alternatives To Studying For Finals: The Procrastinator's Guide

It's true: the semester is almost over. But while we have a lot of good to take away from that, we still have one final bump left in the road before we can really sit back and relax... final exams. In a way, the next week will have the power to make or break our academic lives (but no pressure or anything!). Of course we'll have to lock ourselves indoors with our books and flash cards so we can get down to business, but that doesn't always mean that we're being productive, either. In fact, up until college, I was the Queen of Procrastination, and still struggle with that to an extent. So, in honor of the impending doom that is Exams Week, I wanted to post my own guide on how to not study for finals, much of which comes from personal experience. (You can thank me later!)

1. Clean the entire apartment, even though it looks perfectly fine as it is. You never know if you missed a spot.

2. Look up all the Brat Pack movies on YouTube and then relive the 1980's... even though you weren't actually born until 1990.

3. Color coordinate everything in your room except for your lecture notes.

4. Take a midnight trip with friends to Steak & Shake.

5. Check your email at least once every ten minutes. Every five minutes, if possible.

6. Make an online playlist for "power studying" and then use it to throw a dance party.

7. Type in your name on Google or Pipl and find out how many people have your name and are not you.

8. Make lists. Period.

9. Call up a friend and have a wizards' duel.

10. Build a No Boys Allowed fort but then allow everyone inside when you realize at least half of your friends are male.

11. Become a fan of (or "Like") every Facebook fan page that has ever related to your life in any way. Ever.

12. Try on every possible outfit you can. Then try them on with different shoes. Then rearrange your entire closet.

13. Talk to or spend time with the person you like. Even if it isn't for long, it will definitely add to your distraction for a while.

14. Fall into the infinite loop of Lolcats until you find one that's appropriate enough for the situation.

15. Watch clips of The Office pranks after watching the latest episode of The Office.

16. Go on your friends' Formsprings and ask questions that you don't care about the answers to.

17. Post a blog about your own procrastination skills.

Good luck to everyone studying for your final exams!

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